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Certificate in Dance Movement Psychotherapy Supervision: Embodied Relational Approach


Course Information


This course is designed for creative arts therapists (dance, drama, art and music therapists), psychotherapists, counsellors and managers who are interested in an embodied, creative and relational approach to supervision. It is also suitable for professionals looking to integrate embodied and creative interventions into their supervisory practice.

To apply please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/NPsmcbxG3k

The course is accredited by the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy (ADMP UK) and enables dance movement psychotherapists to register as clinical supervisors with ADMP UK. ADMP UK is a member organisation of UKCP (HIPC). This training is awaiting approval from HIPC as part of the UKCP registry of supervisors.

For dance movement psychotherapists, ADMP UK specifies that to train and register as a supervisor you will need a minimum of 3 years clinical practice (post-graduation) and to be a registered private practitioner member with ADMP UK.

For other professionals, this course is for those who have a minimum of 3 years clinical/ managerial experience and have some experience of supervision/ management through their organisation.

This course starts January 2025 and runs 1 weekend a month until December (excluding July and August).

Course Code

Course Description

Weekend Dates:

18-19 January 2025, 10am - 5pm

1-2 February 2025, 10am - 5pm

8-9 March 2025, 10am - 5pm

26-27 April 2025, 10am - 5pm

10-11 May 2025, 10am - 5pm

7-8 June 2025, 10am - 5pm

13-14 September 2025, 10am - 5pm

11-12 October 2025, 10am - 5pm

8-9 November 2025, 10am - 5pm

6-7 December 2025, 10am - 5pm



Course Tutors: Yeva Feldman, Lorna Hauff, Jenni de Knoop and additional visiting tutors

Module Description and Context: The Certificate in Embodied Relational approach to Supervision provides essential training for creative arts therapists aspiring to become supervisors. The course is based on humanistic and integrative principles with a strong emphasis on embodied relational practice and creative processes in supervision. The course focuses on professional and ethical practice in supervisory relationships, synthesizing embodied relational and intersubjective theories, and developing creative techniques to support supervisees in clinical supervision.

Learning Outcomes/What You Will Learn:

· Demonstrate professional and ethical practice in supervisory relationships

· Synthesize embodied relational and intersubjective theories to supervision practice

· Develop embodied and creative techniques for clinical supervision

· Apply experiential learning techniques in supervisory contexts

· Reflect critically on personal strengths, values, and motivations as a supervisor

· Prepare to work as a clinical supervision in your field and professional entry to the ADMP Register of Clinical Supervisors (if applicable).


Course Code



Course Description

Course Schedule:

Covers 3 main areas of supervision skills and practice:

1. Core skills

2. Creative and embodied therapeutic skills

3. Integration and advanced skills


Weekend Topics include:

1. Core skills:

· Contracting for different types of supervision

· Ethics and Professional Practice

· Supervisory relationship and working alliance

· Working with systems, stakeholders and the wider context

· Working with diversity and intersectionality in supervision

· Exploration of embodied countertransference and felt sense in supervision

· Feedback skills

· Managing supervision boundaries


2. Creative and Embodied therapeutic skills

· Exploration of embodied countertransference and felt sense in supervision

· Creative approaches to supervision

· 7 eyed model to supervision (Shohet & Hawkins, )

· Embodied techniques including embodying clinical material

· Developing embodied empathy

· Experiential model (Shohet & Shohet, 2020)


3. Integration and advanced skills:

· Facilitating group supervision

· Understanding Group dynamics in supervision

· Supervising trainees

· Working with teams and systems

· Supervising difficult situations

· Case studies and Clinical applications

· Formative assessment and reflective practice

· Final integrated embodied presentations

Teaching and Learning Activities:

Activity Contact Hours Non-contact Hours

Lecture and large group learning 50 

Small group learning (seminars, workshops) 30 

Experiential learning 40 

Total 120


10 hours of supervision on 40 hours of supervision practice.

Module Total 130 hours


1. Reflective dialogue with supervisor, supervisee, peer and self reflection enquiry process form (P/F)

2. 20 mins presentation of supervision practice and approach (P/F)

Reading and Resource List:

Bownas, J. & Fredman, G. (Eds.) (2017). Working with embodiment in supervision: A systemic approach. Abingdon: Routledge

Butte, C & Colbert, T. (2023) Embodied Approaches to Supervision: The listening body. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Carroll, M. & Gilbert, M. C. (2005). On Being a Supervisee: Creating learning partnerships. London: Vukani Publishing.


Chesner, A. & Zografou, L. (Eds.) (2014) Creative supervision across modalities. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Feldman, Y. (2017). Gestalt and dance movement psychotherapy in adults with eating disorders: Moving towards integration through practice and research. In H. Payne (Ed.), Essentials of Dance Movement Psychotherapy: International perspectives on theory, research and practice (pp. 83-98). New York: Routledge.


Feldman, Y. (2020). Building resilience: Developing somatic and relational resources in a Gestalt Movement Therapy group for women with borderline personality disorder and histories of profound trauma. In A. Chesner & S. Lykou (Eds.),Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough. New York: Routledge.


Feldman, Y. (2023). The dialogical dance: A relational embodied approach to supervision, Chapter 2, pp. 17-28 in C. Butte & T. Colbert (Eds.) Embodied Approaches to Supervision: The listening body. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Gendlin, E. T. (1981). Focusing. New York: Bantam Books.


Gilbert, M. C., & Evans, K. (2000). Psychotherapy Supervision: An integrative relational approach to psychotherapy supervision. Buckingham: Open University Press.


Hawkins and Shohet (2012) Supervision in the helping professions (Fourth edition). Maidenhead: Open University Press.


Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2014). Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (Third edition). London: Sage.


Lopez, S. M. (2008). The felt sense in psychotherapy supervision. The Folio, 226-237.

Madison, (2004). Focusing-oriented supervision in K. Tudor & M. Worrall (Eds), Freedom to practice: Person centred approaches to supervision (pp. 133-152). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books


McFerran, K. S. & Finlay, L. (2018). Resistance as a ‘dance’ between client and therapist, Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 13:2, 114-127, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2018.1448302

Panhofer, H., Payne, H., Meekums, B., Parke, T. (2011). Dancing, moving and writing in clinical supervision? Employing embodied practices in psychotherapy supervision. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38: 1, 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2010.10.001

Payne, H. (Ed.)(2008), Supervision of dance movement psychotherapy: A practitioner’s handbook. East Sussex: Routledge

Shohet, R. & Shohet, J. (2020). In love with supervision: Creating Transformative Conversations. Monmouth: PCCS Books Ltd.


Sletvold, J. (2015). Embodied empathy in psychotherapy: Demonstrated in supervision. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. 10:2, 82-93, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2014.971873

StartEndCourse Fee 
January 2025 - December 2025
11/01/202513/12/2025£2250.00[Read More]
11/01/202512/01/2025£450.00[Read More]
Instalment 1
11/01/202512/01/2025£450.00[Read More]
Installment 3
11/01/202512/01/2025£450.00[Read More]
Instalment 4
11/01/202512/01/2025£450.00[Read More]
Installment 4
11/01/202525/01/2025£450.00[Read More]

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