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Laureate Students Certificates and Transcripts

Laureate Students Certificates and Transcripts

Laureate Students Certificates and Transcripts via DHL

Laureate Students Certificates and Transcripts via DHL


Certificates and Transcripts – Laureate Students Only DHL delivery

This product is only for Laureate students who have confirmed and agreed with the Laureate Certificates Team (Laureatecertificates@roehampton.ac.uk that their certificate will be dispatched via DHL.  

Detailed Description

This product is for Laureate students only.

Before you purchase this product you must have been:

  • awarded your qualification
  • confirmed with the Laureate Certificates Team that your certificate and transcript are in our office and ready for dispatch

Complete your billing and delivery address details for the DHL dispatch. Please note that DHL deliver to physical addresses and you must make sure that house numbers, street names, town and province, including zip/post code and country are included.  Also, a telephone number preferably mobile) where you can be reached is required.

  • Europe (excluding the UK) fee - £16
  • Worldwide (includes USA, Canada, Africa, Asia, etc.) fee – £21

Please be aware, there may be an additional surcharge for remote and restricted destinations charged by the carrier.

Note: The time taken to dispatch a certificate and transcript from receipt of the signed declaration and payment could be three weeks as dispatch currently occurs once a week. 

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Restricted Destination Postage Surcharge

Restricted Destination Postage Surcharge


Additional postage surcharge for restricted destinations

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