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Body Composition (BodPod test)

Body Composition (BodPod test)



The proportion of total fat mass and lean body mass represents an individual's body composition. Body composition is important for athletic performance and is also a greater determinant of health outcomes than body weight alone.

By using the BodPod, we will non-invasively assess your percentage body fat, fat mass, fat-free mass, total energy expenditure. These data will give you an insight into your body composition and will provide you with an indication of your required daily calorie intake at rest and specific to your activity level.

The visit will last ~30 minutes.


Detailed Description

To measure your body composition, you will be required have your height and body mass recorded before taking a seat inside the BodPod two - four times (each time for ~1 minute).


The BodPod is a small, capsule-like piece of equipment that some people may find somewhat claustrophobic; however, you are only required to sit inside the machine for ~1 minute at a time and can exit the machine at any point.


You will be required to wear minimal, tight-fitting clothes and a shower cap. A privacy screen will be in place.

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