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3 Year EAN Membership for Individual Members

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Membership of the EAN is international and open to all those with a commitment to achieving a more inclusive higher education. Membership can be individual, institutional or corporate.


Detailed Description

The European Access Network (EAN), launched in 1991 with EU support, is an association of universities, individuals and other organisations having a common interest in promoting access, equity, diversity and inclusion in higher education. It is the only European-based, non-profit organisation with a specific focus on access and widening participation for disadvantaged and underrepresented groups.

The Secreteriat of the EAN is based at Roehampton University, United Kingdom. It is organised for educational purposes and operates under English Law. Membership is international and open to all those with an interest and commitment to achieve a more inclusive higher education in Europe and beyond.

The membership structure we put in place reflects the needs and profile of our members as well as providing a more flexible arrangement to encourage longer-term commitment by members.

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