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Sports Science Testing

The University of Roehampton’s Sports Science Services [CT1] offers tailored, scientific testing and support to anyone interested in improving their athletic performance or physical health.


In a relaxed and professional environment, our experts will assess you in one of the state-of-the-art laboratories at the University of Roehampton. Our scientific support team will provide you with the data required to improve your health and/or optimise your exercise or sport performance.

Sports Science Testing

Full Aerobic Fitness Assessment (Maximal Oxygen Consumption  (V?O2max) and Lactate Threshold Test):

Full Aerobic Fitness Assessment (Maximal Oxygen Consumption (V?O2max) and Lactate Threshold Test):



In this test frequently undertaken by elite and aspiring athletes, you will be asked to perform a submaximal exercise test followed by an exercise test to volitional exhaustion to allow us to measure your VO2max and
lactate threshold – two key determinants of endurance performance.

The visit will last ~1h 45, of which you will be required to exercise for ~45 minutes. The test can be conducted on a treadmill or a bicycle.

Following this test, you will be provided with your oxygen uptake, heart rate, lactate, and efficiency data from the submaximal and maximal test stages.

Due to the maximal nature of this test, this test is only suitable for healthy, fit individuals. You will be asked to complete a health screening before your booking can be confirmed.
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Maximal Oxygen Consumption (V?O2max ) Test

Maximal Oxygen Consumption (V?O2max ) Test



If you are only interested in knowing your V?O2max, this test is for you. The determination of maximal oxygen uptake or V?O2max is the gold standard measure of aerobic capacity and having a high V?O2max is one requirement for successful athletic performance in endurance events.

The visit will last approximately 1 hour of which you will be exercising for ~15 minutes (plus warm-up). The test can be conducted on a treadmill or a bicycle.

Following this test, you will be provided with your oxygen uptake and heart rate data from the maximal test.

Due to the maximal nature of this test, this test is only suitable for healthy, fit individuals. You will be asked to complete a health screening before your booking can be confirmed.
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Lactate Threshold Test

Lactate Threshold Test



If you do not wish to undertake a maximal test (or are unable to do so), but still wish to gain insight into your endurance exercise capabilities the Lactate Threshold Test is the test for you. This submaximal test will give us an insight into how your body reacts to submaximal increases in exercise intensity.

The visit will last approximately 1 hour of which you will be exercising for ~30 minutes.

The test can be conducted on a treadmill or a bicycle.

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Body Composition (BodPod test)

Body Composition (BodPod test)



The proportion of total fat mass and lean body mass represents an individual's body composition. Body composition is important for athletic performance and is also a greater determinant of health outcomes than body weight alone.

By using the BodPod, we will non-invasively assess your percentage body fat, fat mass, fat-free mass, total energy expenditure. These data will give you an insight into your body composition and will provide you with an indication of your required daily calorie intake at rest and specific to your activity level.

The visit will last ~30 minutes.
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Resting Metabolic Rate test

Resting Metabolic Rate test



The Resting Metabolic Rate Test is a resting test that allows us to measure your estimated daily caloric requirements. An understanding of your energy needs provides a sound scientific basis for any weight loss or maintenance plan. These data can then be matched with your energy intake if you are wishing to lose, maintain or gain weight

The visit will last ~ 1 hour.
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Heat Acclimation

Heat Acclimation



When competing in hot conditions your performance is compromised. A very effective way to minimise the performance impairments is to undertake training in a controlled hot environment prior to travelling to the event – this is called heat acclimation. Heat acclimation results in physiological adjustments which reduce the strain placed on the body, reduce the perceived temperature and task difficulty, and improve subsequent performance in the heat.

The benefit is dependent upon the time spent being hot; however, beneficial adaptations can occur after only a few sessions, and we can offer a heat acclimation programme to suit your budget and training schedule.

The acclimation sessions can be carried out on a treadmill or a bicycle.

The environmental conditions can be set to mimic the demands you are expecting to face (0 – 55°C; 10 – 90 % relative humidity).

Sessions can be undertaken on consecutive days or every 1 – 2 days depending on your availability.

For your safety and to maximise the effectiveness of your visits, body core temperature will need to be measured. This option involves the use of a rectal thermistor which you will self-insert upon arrival to the laboratory.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your session time to ensure that you get the full hour of heat exposure.

£140 per hour
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